Artikal Data Change Tracking“


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We are using sage 100 version 9 above, I need help or suggestion , How to configure Article Data Change tracking ? is this option available Out of the box or we need to customize ?
Unfortunately, the standard cannot do anything about it.

The logging of the changes in the articles will come from the next update in July/August.

Alternatively, special programs from business partners are already available that can log even more data.

What do you want to log?
Thanks for reply

if any user changes Price, Barcode and Status active/Inactive fields values, I would like to log Modified User Name & Date Time
Unfortunately, the standard cannot do anything about it.

The logging of the changes in the articles will come from the next update in July/August.

Alternatively, special programs from business partners are already available that can log even more data.

What do you want to log?
i'm looking Artikal change tracking only Five [Artikal name,Price,Barcode,Status and ArtikalGroup] fields
Good morning, our company, the DESK GmbH, has developed (some years ago) a tool what allows the "data cange documentation" of table entries, for example fiels of the article master data.
The tool is named "Blackbox".

Kindly regards
i'm looking Artikal change tracking only Five [Artikal name,Price,Barcode,Status and ArtikalGroup] fields
Just to add my 5 cents: price may depend on the price list, the customer, the quantity, etc., not to mention potential discounts. Depending on how accurate the tracking must be there are a few things to consider.